Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Think for yourself! Let others do the same! Banned Books Week 2010

Welcome to Banned Books Week 2010! The last week of September every year is set aside to celebrate intellectual freedom. We observe Banned Books Week by highlighting the benefits of free and open access to information and emphasizing the dangers of censorship.

What does intellectual freedom mean? It means you have the freedom to access information and express ideas no matter how unorthodox or unpopular (or politically incorrect) those ideas might be. In a free society, information is not restricted, and access to unorthodox or unpopular viewpoints is protected for all who wish to read them.

In other words, it's your brain--you get to decide what goes into it! No one makes that decision for you, and you don't make it for anyone else.

The books spotlighted during Banned Books Week have all been the targets of an attempted ban. They range from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to The Lorax, from The Decameron to Twilight to Captain Underpants.

Stop by our banned books display on the second floor of the library, and then check out this website to see a list of books that have been banned or challenged. You may be surprised!

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