Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We have great news for folks who want to use their weekends to get ahead on their classwork (since I know we don't have any people who wait until the last minute to do a paper that's due Monday, right?)

Through a special arrangement among the business school, IT, public safety and the library, the computer lab in Lawson 204 will be open on Sundays from 3 pm to 7 pm, with a possibility of the hours being extended until 11 pm later in the semester. The lab will be staffed by our own library student worker Jason Harmon.

According to library director Michael Martinez, this is an effort to open up more computers for student use, especially late in the semester when major papers become due. I've seen for myself the cutthroat competition for library computers during finals!

Martinez cautioned that this agreement is on a trial basis--meaning if enough students don't show up to take advantage of the computer lab's new hours, we won't be able to keep it open. So spread the word! The lab will be open Sundays for the rest of this semester, and if the program is successful, it will continue to be open Sundays in the fall.

(Just a reminder: there is no food or drink permitted in the Lawson computer labs).

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